
While watching my favorite Disney movie, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", I was constantly finding myself admiring Esmeralda as a character. She's strong, compassionate, and longs for true justice. She kinda sounds like someone I should look up to and strive to be like. And I do.

  1. Strong.
    1. She can hold her own.
    2. She can take care of herself.
    3. She don't need no man.
    4. She goes to church to pray for her people who are so poorly treated and begs mercy for her people and not herself, although the people around her in the church were being selfish.
    5. She stood up to Frollo, a frightening and powerful man.
    6. She welcomed help when she knew she needed it, even when she didn't want it (when Phoebus [I guess?] kept her in Notre Dame for sanctuary).
    7. She stood up for Quasimodo, though almost everybody around her was.
    8. She was willing to admit when she was wrong, and accepted everybody when they showed that they were on her side or showed repentance.
  2. Compassionate.
    1. She was one of the first and only people in Quasimodo's life to show him love rather than fear.
    2. Once again, she prays for mercy and help to be given to her people who were discriminated against.
    3. She cared for and protected Quasimodo during the public humiliation in the Festival of Fools.
  3. Longs for true justice.
    1. When Quasimodo was being humiliated in the Festival of Fools, she stood up for him and stopped the humiliation.
    2. She saw right through Frollo, showing everybody that he wasn't a man of true justice.
    3. She wanted people to get what they deserved; however, she was patient because she knew they would get what was coming to them.
    4. She wanted justice for everybody, not just gypsies. When the average citizens of Paris were being tortured and their liberties being ripped from them, she wanted them to get their justice, not just justice for herself and her fellow gypsies and Quasimodo.
Fifteen reasons to want to be like Esmeralda. She stood up for her fellow citizen, longing justice for everybody, and showing love and compassion to everybody. 

She kinda sounds like Wonder Woman, who I also look up to as a role model.
